PreviewQt is a file previewer that strifes to be lightweight, very fast, and simple. It supports a wide range of files and formats:
- More than 140 image formats
- All of the common video formats
- Photo spheres and 360 degree panoramas (that use equirectangular projections)
- Motion photos, Micro videos, and Apple live photos
- PDF documents including page navigation
- Archives (zip, tar.gz, rar, 7-zip) with the ability to explore its content
- Comic Books (cbz, cbt, cbr, cb7) including page navigation
- E-books (epub) including navigation and remembering where you left off
- Text files of all kinds including syntax highlighting and search
It is also possible to set up an external application for the categories of files. With a shortcut or button it is possible to pass a previewed file on to the provided external application for further processing.