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PreviewQt v4.0

Supported formats

Note that the list of actually supported file formats depends on how PreviewQt was compiled for your platform and on the versions of the various libraries (ImageMagick/GraphicsMagick, KImageFormats, ...) available on your system. The list below contains all the file formats that could possibly be supported, the number of formats supported on your installation of PreviewQt might be lower. Note that the list below only includes the file endings, but PreviewQt also considers the mime type of any given file to figure out what to do with it.

Various image libraries can be used to display all kinds of image files. This list is sorted alphabetically according to the first listed file ending. Following the format description are icons indicating which library is capable of loading that format. In order for a format to be supported on your system, at least one of the respective libraries needs to be available, and the more recent the version the better.

Qt logo = Qt (and KDE) | ImageMagick logo = ImageMagick | GraphicsMagick logo = GraphicsMagick | libraw logo = LibRaw | DevIL logo = DevIL | FreeImage logo = FreeImage

If Poppler or the Qt PDF plugin is available, then PDF documents can be browsed.

Using LibArchive, PreviewQt can open e-books (EPUB), comic books, and packed archives including all the image files it is able to find inside:

Depending on the video codecs available on your system, PreviewQt is able to display a variety of video formats alongside your images:

All kinds of text files can be shown including relevant syntax highlighting (using KSyntaxHighlighting) for 350+ different file types:
