Supported formats
Note that the list of actually supported file formats depends on how PreviewQt was compiled for your platform and on the versions of the various libraries (ImageMagick/GraphicsMagick, KImageFormats, ...) available on your system. The list below contains all the file formats that could possibly be supported, the number of formats supported on your installation of PreviewQt might be lower. Note that the list below only includes the file endings, but PreviewQt also considers the mime type of any given file to figure out what to do with it.
Various image libraries can be used to display all kinds of image files. This list is sorted alphabetically according to the first listed file ending. Following the format description are icons indicating which library is capable of loading that format. In order for a format to be supported on your system, at least one of the respective libraries needs to be available, and the more recent the version the better.
- *.3fr: Hasselblad Raw Image Format

- *.aai: AAI Dune image

- *.ai: AI: Adobe Illustrator (PDF compatible)

- *.ani: Animated Windows cursors

- *.apng: APNG: Animated Portable Network Graphics

- *.ari: ARRIFLEX Raw Image Format

- *.art: PFS: 1st Publisher

- *.arw: Sony Digital Camera Alpha Raw Image Format

- *.avif, *.avifs: AVIF: AV1 Image File Format

- *.avs, *.x, *.mbfavs: AVS X image

- *.bay: Casio Raw Image Format

- *.bmp, *.dib: BMP: Microsoft Windows bitmap

- *.bmq: NuCore RAW image file

- *.bpg: BPG: Better Portable Graphics

- *.cals, *.ct1, *.ct2, *.ct3, *.ct4, *.c4, *.cal, *.nif, *.ras: CALS: Continuous Acquisition and Life-cycle Support Type 1 image

- *.cap, *.eip, *.liq: Phase One Raw Image Format

- *.cg3, *.g3: FAX: CCITT Group 3

- *.cg4, *.g4: FAX: CCITT Group 4

- *.crw, *.crr, *.cr2, *.cr3: Canon Digital Camera Raw Image Format

- *.cube: Cube Color lookup table converted to a HALD image

- *.cur: CUR: Microsoft Windows cursor format

- *.cut, *.pal: Dr. Halo

- *.dcr, *.kdc, *.drf, *.k25, *.dcs, *.dc2: Kodak Cineon Raw Image Format

- *.dcx: ZSoft IBM PC multi-page Paintbrush image

- *.dds: DirectDraw Surface

- *.dfont: Multi-face font package

- *.dic, *.dcm: Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine (DICOM) image

- *.djvu, *.djv: DjVu digital document format

- *.dng: Adobe Digital Negative Raw Image Format

- *.dpx: Digital Moving Picture Exchange

- *.epi: Adobe Encapsulated PostScript Interchange format

- *.ept: Adobe Encapsulated PostScript Interchange format with TIFF preview

- *.erf: Epson Raw Image Format

- *.exr: OpenEXR

- *.ff: farbfeld

- *.fits, *.fit, *.fts: FITS: Flexible Image Transport System

- *.fl32: FilmLight floating point image format

- *.ftx: Heavy Metal: FAKK 2

- *.gif: GIF: Graphics Interchange Format

- *.gpr: GoPro GPR Raw Image Format

- *.heif, *.heic: HEIF: High Efficiency Image Format

- *.hrz: Slow-scan television

- *.icns: Apple Icon Image

- *.ico: Microsoft Windows icon format

- *.iff: Interchange File Format

- *.jbig, *.jbg, *.bie: JBIG: Joint Bi-level Image experts Group file interchange format (JBIG)

- *.jng: JPEG Network Graphics

- *.jpeg, *.jpg, *.jpe, *.jif: JPEG: Joint Photographic Experts Group JFIF format

- *.jpeg2000, *.j2k, *.jp2, *.jpc, *.jpx: JPEG-2000

- *.jxl: JPEG XL

- *.jxr, *.hdp, *.wdp: JPEG-XR

- *.koa, *.gg, *.gig, *.kla: KOALA files

- *.kra: Krita Document

- *.lbm: Interlaced Bitmap

- *.mat: MATLAB image format

- *.mdc: Minolta/Agfa Raw Image Format

- *.mef: Mamiya Raw Image Format

- *.miff, *.mif: Magick image file format

- *.mng: MNG: Multiple-image Network Graphics

- *.mos: Leaf Raw Image Format

- *.mpc: Magick Persistent Cache image file format

- *.mts, *.m2ts, *.ts: MPEG Transport Stream
- *.mtv, *.pic: MTV ray tracer bitmap

- *.mvg: Magick Vector Graphics

- *.mxf: MXF: Material Exchange Format
- *.nef, *.nrw: Nikon Digital SLR Camera Raw Image Format

- *.ora: OpenRaster

- *.orf: Olympus Digital Camera Raw Image Format

- *.otb: On-the-air Bitmap

- *.otf, *.otc, *.ttf, *.ttc: OpenType font file

- *.p7: Xv Visual Schnauzer thumbnail format

- *.palm: Palm pixmap

- *.pam: Portable Arbitrary Map format

- *.pbm: PBM: Portable bitmap format (black and white)

- *.pcd, *.pcds: Photo CD

- *.pcx: PCX: ZSoft PiCture eXchange

- *.pdb: Palm Database ImageViewer Format

- *.pef, *.ptx: Pentax Raw Image Format

- *.pes: Embrid Embroidery Format

- *.pfb, *.pfm, *.afm, *.inf, *.pfa, *.ofm: Postscript Type 1 font

- *.pfm: Portable Float Map

- *.pgm: PGM: Portable graymap format (gray scale)

- *.pgx: JPEG 2000 uncompressed format

- *.phm: Portable float map format 16-bit half

- *.pic: Softimage PIC

- *.picon: Personal Icon

- *.pict, *.pct, *.pic: QuickDraw/PICT

- *.pix, *.als, *.alias: Alias/Wavefront RLE image format

- *.png: PNG: Portable Network Graphics

- *.ppm, *.pnm: PPM: Portable pixmap format (color)

- *.psd, *.psb, *.psdt: Adobe PhotoShop

- *.ptiff, *.ptif: Pyramid encoded TIFF

- *.pxn: Logitech Raw Image Format

- *.qoi: Quite OK image format

- *.raf: Fuji CCD Raw Image Format

- *.raw, *.rwl: Leica Raw Image Format

- *.rgba, *.rgb, *.sgi, *.bw: SGI images

- *.rgbe, *.hdr, *.rad: HDR: Radiance RGBE image format

- *.rgf: LEGO Mindstorms EV3 Robot Graphics File

- *.rla: Wavefront RLA File Format

- *.rle: Utah Run length encoded image file

- *.rm: RealMedia
- *.rw2: Panasonic Raw Image Format

- *.scr: ZX-Spectrum SCREEN

- *.sct, *.ch, *.ct: Scitex Continuous Tone Picture

- *.sfw, *.alb, *.pwm, *.pwp: Seattle File Works image

- *.sixel: DEC SIXEL Graphics Format

- *.srf, *.mrw, *.sr2, *.arq: Sony (Minolta) Raw Image Format

- *.srw: Samsung Raw Image Format

- *.sun, *.ras, *.sr, *.im1, *.im24, *.im32, *.im8, *.rast, *.rs, *.scr: SUN Rasterfile

- *.svg, *.svgz: SVG: Scalable Vector Graphics

- *.tga, *.icb, *.vda, *.vst: TGA: Truevision Targa image

- *.tiff, *.tif: TIFF: Tagged Image File Format

- *.tim: PSX TIM (PlayStation Graphics)

- *.ttf: TrueType font file

- *.vicar, *.vic, *.img: VICAR rasterfile format

- *.viff, *.xv: Khoros Visualization Image File Format

- *.vtf: Valve Texture Format

- *.wbmp: Wireless Bitmap

- *.webp: WEBP: Google web image format

- *.wmf, *.wmz, *.apm: Windows Metafile

- *.wpg: Word Perfect Graphics File

- *.xbm, *.bm: X BitMap

- *.xcf: Gimp XCF

- *.xpm, *.pm: X PixMap

- *.xwd: X Windows system window dump

If Poppler or the Qt PDF plugin is available, then PDF documents can be browsed.
- *.eps, *.epsf, *.epsi: EPS: Encapsulated PostScript
- *.pdf: PDF: Adobe Portable Document Format
- *.ps, *.ps2, *.ps3: Adobe Level III PostScript file
Using LibArchive, PreviewQt can open e-books (EPUB), comic books, and packed archives including all the image files it is able to find inside:
- *.7z: 7z file format
- *.cb7, *.cbr, *.cbt, *.cbz: Comic book archive
- *.epub: Electronic Publication (EPUB)
- *.rar: RAR file format
- *.tar: TAR file format
- *.zip: ZIP file format
Depending on the video codecs available on your system, PreviewQt is able to display a variety of video formats alongside your images:
- *.3gp, *.3g2: 3GP: 3rd Generation Partnership Project
- *.amv: AMV video format
- *.asf: Advanced Systems Format
- *.avi: Audio Video Interleave
- *.flv, *.f4v: Flash Video
- *.mkv: Matroska Video
- *.mov, *.qt: QuickTime File Format
- *.mp4, *.m4v: MP4: MPEG-4 Part 14
- *.mpg, *.mp2, *.mpeg, *.mpe, *.mpv, *.m2v: MPEG: Moving Picture Experts Group
- *.ogg, *.ogv: Theora
- *.vob: Video Object
- *.webm: WebM
- *.wmv: Windows Media Video
All kinds of text files can be shown including relevant syntax highlighting (using KSyntaxHighlighting) for 350+ different file types:
- *.desktop: Desktop file
- *.html, *.xml, *.xhtml: XML/HTML files
- *.js: JavaScript
- *.json: JSON file
- *.php: PHP scripts
- *.rtf: Rich Text Format
- *.sh, *.bash, *.fsh: Shell/Bash scripts
- *.sql: SQL scripts
- *.tex: LaTex files
- *.troff, *.t, *.man: Troff files
- *.txt: Text document
- *.yaml, *.yml: YAML files
- ... and many more ...