PreviewQt v3.0

PhotoQt v1.4.1 - fixing some bugs

Published: 1st of June, 2016

It has been just over two weeks have passed since v1.4 was released. And there have been a few bug reports dripping in since then. I had hoped to catch all of them before releasing v1.4, but unfortunately some slipped through. Hence, PhotoQt v1.4.1 fixed a total of 17 bugs (sorted below in the order in which they were fixed), and adds only a single tiny thing:
I highly recommend upgrading from v1.4 to v1.4.1 (grab it from the downloads page) as this will drastically enhance your experience with PhotoQt!

And if I could ask for a favor: Please help hunting bugs in PhotoQt! If you come across anything not working in v1.4.1, please let me know and I'll do my best to fix it. And if you come across a beta testing for a new release of PhotoQt, I would highly appreciate it if you take the time to try it out and share your experience with me. I'd also be more than happy to help with any difficulty you might encounter during compilation (though it should be a rather straight-forward process).

Also a quick note regarding where to find the source code: I manage the source code through GitLab repository, however, the source code is automatically also mirrored back to a GitHub repository. So even though I'll keep using GitLab for my day-to-day development, everything is also visible and available through GitHub. And I'm happy to provide support in either place!

Enjoy PhotoQt :-)