Visit PhotoQt
PreviewQt v4.0

PreviewQt is a simple application
for previewing all kinds of files,
based on Qt/QML, published as open-source
and completely free.
PreviewQt is a simple application for previewing all kinds of files, based on Qt/QML, published as open-source and completely free.


Support for more than
140 image and
video file formats
Support for a wide range
of documents and other
types of files
Optimized for speed,
and simplicity

Ability to pass
files on to other
external application
Support for Motion Photos,
Apple Live Photos,
and photo spheres

and more...

See more features and screenshots >>

Get PreviewQt


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PreviewQt is also available for Windows, as AppImage and Flatpak, and packaged for an increasing variety of Linux distributions. You can follow its development over on GitLab.

See all available downloads >>

Get Help

Do you have any questions about PreviewQt? Any feedback you would like to share? Please let me know. The best way to do so is by opening an issue over at GitLab or you can also send me an email.

See more support options >>

Latest Updates

These are the combined news of both PhotoQt and PreviewQt.

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PreviewQt v4.0
Published: 6th of March, 2025

It has been a little while since the last release of PreviewQt, so it's about time for some updates and a bunch of new features.

PhotoQt v4.8.1 - bug fixes and smaller improvements and additions
Published: 13th of February, 2025

This new release of PhotoQt comes not long after the last one. It does not have any major additions, but comes with a bunch of small bug fixes, some smaller improvements, and a few small additions.

See more updates >>

Support Ukraine

PreviewQt stands in opposition to the unjust war waged by Russia on Ukraine.

Please consider donating to support humanitarian relief efforts in Ukraine.

Slava Ukraini

latest version: v4.0 - developed by Lukas Spies - license: GPLv2 or later - more info >>
